Page 83 - web version Annual Report-2022
P. 83
Neighbourhood Response Health Response Socio-Economic Response
Screening and Information Treatment and Ensuring Ensuring
Triage on Prevention Managing access to social economic
Patient Loads protection stability
Community Awareness to schemes,
level ensure COVID Isolation Centres entitlements Access to
surveillance appropriate at Panchayat and other safety livelihood
for early behavior is levels, nets opportunities
identification followed by the Oximeters and IR in farm and
of positive community thermometers at Quick and off-farm
cases; Information on village level for immediate sector
Ensuring the vaccination monitring of support to
COVID process symptoms, vulneratble HH
appropriate information on for acess of
behavior is testing and entitlements,
followed availability of cash support, etc.
treatment facility
Community have Better Access Enhanced Capacities of Public
to Public Health Systems Health Systems
Community Community Medical Equipment Trainings and
Engagement Surveillance Capacity Building
with IT tools Support rural public
Community health systems in Build Capacities
aware of the Community enhancing their of healthcare and
COVID19 tracking and capacities by other front line
symptoms, decision support providing critical workers to
treatment systems for medical equipment ensure maximum Transforming Rural India Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22
and ensuring access like 02 generator, support available
preventive to early care Testing Machine, 02 to the
measures treatments Concentrators, etc communities
Focus on the Most Vulnerable Populations
(Marginalised groups, women, SCs STs, Monorities, Migrant Laboures, People with disabilty, etc.)