Page 86 - web version Annual Report-2022
P. 86

India Rural


             Conversation amongst the influencers shape “narrative change”. Narratives are central to the mental
             models that guide individuals’ decision-making and thus plays an important role in policy processes, in
             signification. Thus, in addition to working with communities, government and developing solutions, an
             explicit effort to shape “narrative in the rural policy sphere” is critical to bring change.

             “Narratives” are particularly important when one is seeking large-scale change involving a fundamental
             redefinition or reframing of the issue. India Rural Colloquy is structured to contribute to shaping relevant
             “narrative” that matters to advancement of life quality and opportunities in villages. Each conversation is
             stitched together to collectively convey a common worldview or meaning; articulate, discover and deepen
             understanding as we interpret the world, how it works and how it can be made more favourable to rural.
             The Colloquy does this by bringing influencers, decision makers, experts together in conversation, in
             “colloquy” on specific development or societal topic relevant to rural by (a) defining the issue from rural
             lens (b) by making the issue salient through striking and compelling new information and (c) by bringing
             new actors begin; this become possible as the issue gets redefined, new dimensions become more

             “Colloquy” seeks engagement, compassion, and draw the fund of empathy and resources from the “better
             endowed”. Barely 10 % of the Indian population is fluent in English; in our limited experience, without any
             prejudice the practical reality indicates the “better endowed”, “decision shapers”, academicians and for
             an engaged global audience it is important to conduct this Colloquy in English.

             Events of the past can inspire, India’s August Revolution is an abiding inspiration, one of history’s largest
             mass movements of freedom and dignity, it expressed the will of the Indian people; communities became
             their own leaders in quest of freedom. In human history, August has been a special month of
             remembrance in our shared quest of freedom, dignity and a better world. The “Colloquy” is all about
             dignity, freedom of opportunity and abundance; commemorating the August Kranti is a privilege and
             commitment, the Colloquy is structured as conversations across 1-8th August.

             We understand conversations among and with leading development practitioners, policy makers,
             administrators and philanthropies deeply engaged in transforming rural, and who have influence to shape
             the required transformation is important in understanding assumptions, trends and constructs, to create
             new norms, knowledge and imbue energy to actualize our vision for a more just and equitable society. In
             this way, narrative is important to “advancing” on the issues that matter most and providing a better
             future for those who are most impacted. We are confident “Colloquy” will lead to further mobilization and
             increased public attention and subsequent favourable societal appreciation and policy contributing to
             rural growth and resilience.

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