Page 79 - web version Annual Report-2022
P. 79
Investments in Education and Impact on Lifetime Earnings
In a recent paper World Bank estimates average global return to a year of schooling is 9 percent a year;
the returns to schooling have been consistently increasing with expanding “knowledge economy sectors”.
Returns to education for women exceed returns to schooling for men by 2 percentage points showing
girls’ education specifically in rural areas where gender disparity exists from enrolment,
primary-secondary transitions and infrastructure – safety, girl toilets being parental concerns. Report
says on average women who have a secondary education are more likely to work and they earn almost
twice as much as those with no education. In India returns from education have climbed steeply, an
analysis of the three rounds of the quinquennial employment survey by the National Sample Survey Office
(NSSO) shows, in 2011-12, 3.3 times the salary drawn by workers who had completed their schooling till
class VIII.
Aspirational Districts engagement offered an opportunity for ensuring energy access and developing
Smart Classes for primary rural schools. Transforming Rural India Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22