Page 21 - web version Annual Report-2022
P. 21

The poor, more than any other group, rely on basic        TRIF therefore believes that activation of
             public services – access to education, healthcare, water   effective, community-oriented
             and sanitation for their lives and livelihoods.           government services is one of the most
             Communities, particularly in areas with endemic poverty   important levers to transform India’s
             and under-developed economies, disproportionately rely    villages.
             on accessing public services as routes out of poverty.
             For them the inability of government institutions to      That is why we have adopted a strategy
             provide securities and basic services is critical in helping   of constructive engagement with the
             poor families get out of the vicious poverty cycle.       government, increased community
                                                                       responsibility in management of its
             Paradigm Shift                                            program and activating accountability

             Today, there is a growing realization that local          and governance systems of output and
             leadership and citizen responsibility along with effective   impact.
             engagement with community and social accountability
             frameworks are critical to ensure civic services and      TRIF works with women self-help
             quality of life.                                          groups, and subject specific collectives
                                                                       that can shape local demands, take
             So a new public service and welfare architecture is       responsible actions, invest in governance
             emerging, backed by a series of ground-breaking           of public services and leverage their
             legislative acts that enshrine socio-economic             collective powers to demand adequate
             entitlements which help states connect with citizens.     services. Add to that, infusing conscious
             This is absolutely critical in villages that get little of   intent in engagement and modern
             society’s resources and virtually nothing from the        technology to uplift the role of women
             private sector offering quality of life goods             ownership.
             and services.                                                                                           Transforming Rural India Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22

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