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ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24                                                                   TRANSFORM RURAL INDIA

          Demonstrated Models Showcasing Large Scale Solutions

 Progress on TRI’s Theory  This year we focused on grounding two solutions   (, Village Square
          in TRI’s Community Action Labs: the Locality
          Compact and Phygital Hubs for Employability and
                                                                 Development Intelligence Unit
 of Change  Entrepreneurship. The working solution-scape         (
          included: (a) Neighbourhood of Care, (b)
                                                                 ) Farmwatt Innovations (,
          Community based Design Professionals, (c) Rural
                                                                 Gramage Retail Solutions, and Rural Sutra
          Growth Centres, (d) Women Farmer Producer              (  With active
          Organisations, and (e) Women Cluster                   experimentation in 36 blocks of 31 districts, we
          Federations.                                           closely engaged with 120 women CLFs,
                                                                 strengthening their institutional capacities,
          In each of these we have brought together the          gender equality, local governance and
          full complement of all our three practice verticals    economic development.
          along with TRI adjacencies like Leap Design

          TRI Theory of Change

            Context                                Strategies                     Results           Outcomes

            Women collectives,
            Panchayats, volunteer
            leadership providing               Active Experimentation            Demonstrated
            opportunities for responsible,   Devising new on-scale solutions       Models
            owned and innovative             and delivery mechanisms and         showcasing
            community action particularly     building evidence thereof            on-scale
            for integrated development for                                         solutions
            integrated development
            programs, harnessing
            collective agency and
            navigational potential                                                Evidence-
                                                 Evidence-to-policy              based policies
            Willingness of high-octane   Communicating evidence for affecting     integrating
            programmes of government to    policies and programmes based on      solutions and
            deploy digital technologies          generated evidence                delivery
            (DBT, JAM) to improve quality                                        mechanisms           Prosperity
            to public services, hence                                                                  health,
            improving quality of life                                                                 education,
                                                                                                     Quality life
            Optimal social and community                                                             experience
            mobilization levels anchored    Embedded Programme Lifecycle          Improved
            by NRLM, Panchayats and       Support for Unlocking State capacity    programme
            other state agencies provide   Aiding state to realize full potential   efficiencies
            opportunities for leverage and   for effective outcome delivery
            catalyze public reinvestment
            for efficient and on-scale

            Readiness of the state and
            state agencies like NRLM to          Ecosystem Changes               Improved and
            engage with development        Enhancing the state Private Sector    new connects
            actors for devising and             Community connect              and Relationships
            delivering innovative at-scale
 The efficacy of the plan implementation was built
 around our locality compacts and demonstrated in our   Key Assumptions
          •  With explicit effort, women and other underserved populations can have increased access to opportunities for life advancement
 Community Action Labs.  •  Solutions which take a community-centric and 360  approach will be have higher efficacy
          •  Partnership with public sector will help scaling and sustainability

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