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ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24                                                                   TRANSFORM RURAL INDIA

 Public Policy in Action:   Action Pathways

 Augmenting Public Service
 Capacity as a Lever of   Intermediation
 Development Change
 Supply side through
 1. Capacity and purpose-connect of frontline   National  State and
 TRI’s Public Policy in Action (PPiA) practice   bureaucracy  Level  District  Design development and designing a compelling
 is one of our three practices that works in   2. Proactive performance of supervisory at   Units  Level  narrative to galvanise action on a given mandate
 tandem in our effort to transform rural   sub-district and district levels, enabled through state   Supporting review of how things are working now,
 India. The objective of the PPiA practice is   and federal policies, programmes and operating   or the “as is” situation, surface pivot and leverage
 to enhance public service capacity to drive   guidelines by more local level understandings  Engage with multiple   Support state-level   action steps points from the lens of community
 developmental changes, ensure citizen   Demand and governance side through activation of   ministries (MoRD, MoPR,   departments such as   well-being, best and emerging frontier practices
                                     Rural Livelihood
          MoAFW, MHA) to provide
 rights, improve welfare scheme delivery   citizen mechanisms like local governance institutions   strategic support and   Missions, MGNREGS,   with intent arrive at a better “to be” situation
 and foster governance-integration among   or CBOs like Women Self Help Groups, cooperatives,   technical assistance for   Panchayati Raj, Tribal   Programme design, guidelines; and how-to-do
 public, community and market institutions.   subject specific collectives like forest protection,   various initiatives,   Welfare, Health,   guides focused on efficacious frontline delivery, a
 The government plays a role in many areas   education, health etc. that shape local demands,   significant of which are   Education, Women and   set of activities to get you from ‘aspiration” or the
          the Lakhpati Didi
                                     Child Development,
 takes responsibilities for action in their domains,
 of well-being and trying to help people   leverage their collective powers to demand integrity,   Initiative under the   Industries and more   current “as is” to the proposed “to be”
 improve their lives. This is more so in the   adequacy of services  National Rural   with strategic policy   Facilitate, support and build capacities to embed
 lives of poor communities and in rural   Livelihoods Mission,   and programme   new systems, processes, tools and ways of working
 areas. We understand the “activation of   Normative societal shifts through creatively   Special Central   support. These
                                     engagements, which
          Assistance to Left Wing
 government services” is one of the most   main-framing justice-intentional mechanisms in   Extremism,   vary depending on the   Demonstrate and build immersion sites,
 public programmes (eg. Gender intentionality in
 important levers in the Indian context to   MGNREGS) and conscious intent in engagement) eg.   Transformation of   situation and the   foregrounding our commitment and inspiration to
                                                                  help create systems change, shifting from
 transform India’s villages. Our approach in   modern technology or new assets with women   Aspirational Districts and   counterpart   “know-how” and “do-how” engagement to
 working with government is to join   ownership).  Blocks Programmes,   government units,   “show-how” and then design “scale-how” within the
 together constructively on that shared   MGNREGS, Panchayats.  broadly included:  remit of the mandate and available resources.
 purpose. With clarity on the government’s
 mandate, we help bring insights, evidence
 and experiences from community.  PPiA units supporting different central ministries  PPiA units supporting different State and District Administrations

                           RD-SRLM  RD-MNREGS  Panchayati  Welfare  Health  Industry  Home  Planning Agriculture  Employment, District  District  (State and
                                                                                      Labour &
                                                                                                         Sub Total
 MoRD--FDRVC  2  Jharkhand   2      1             1     1      1     1           1     Skills  unit  13  District Unit)
 Central Ministries  MoPR  1  Chhattisgarh  1           1            1     1                  2     7     13
 MHA  1      Madhya          1      1       1     1     1                                           5     10
              Uttar          1      1                                                               6      8
 Sub Total (National)  6  Pradesh
              (Bihar,                       1           1                                           8     10
              & BTR)

 Scan to watch  Total        5      3       2     2     4      1     2     1     1      1     2    39     58

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