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ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24                                                                   TRANSFORM RURAL INDIA

 CAL Progress 2023-24  Multi-sector Interventions                  compacts in strengthening health and
 Locality Compact Instituted
 Over the last year, our CAL engagement in   Thematic engagement outreach across the   nutrition outcomes. This engagement in 1,275
 the 36 blocks got support from two   focus states varies based on TRI's ability to   villages was largely led by women leaders
 significant tailwinds of PPiA engagement: (a)   Visioning Process with   89 out of   mobilise investment for different thematic   with efforts of triggering new norms and
 Annual Action Plan and
 the Ministry of Panchayati Raj’s launch of the   Business Development Plan  120 CLFs  engagement.  practices among SHG women and the
 national integration of the GPDP with the                         inclusion of infrastructure, service demands
 National Rural Livelihoods Mission’s VPRP  (b)   Health & Nutrition    in VPRP and GPDP working closely with
 at the Ministry of Rural Development with the   VPRP - GPDP Integration   3000 out   Our focus has been on promoting community   Frontline Workers (FLWs) and gram
 launch of Lakhpati Didi Mission and the   (women aspirations to   of 3527   leadership and work with the locality   panchayats.
 institution of our whole of rural development   constitutional mandate)  villages
 approach. TRI’s PPiA present in both the
 ministries helped the block teams appreciate   Thematic Engagement Outreach
 the national priorities and align with a focus   Block Livelihood   All 36
 on state and community aspirations. In   Potential Mapping  Blocks  1398
 significant way  toward TRI’s aim of building            1234
 “flourishing localities”, a structured
 integration with the BMFL Practice was done.   Block Level Coordination   All 36   1008
 This has now evolved into an innovative   Committees  Blocks  875  801  798
 approach of Windows to Opportunity World   724                                         682
 (WOW) Hubs nested with women CLFs,   582                         549
 offering employability and entrepreneurship    345                         484  438
 development services.                                               255  270
 Realization of 2023-24 plans                     129                                            161  166
 Locality Compact                                                                          93  7
 A key lever of change – also outlier   Individual Demand Fulfilment
 demonstration of CAL blocks – is the   107,125 out of 131,893  MP  UP  JKD                 CG
 institution of the locality compacts and its   Villages  Health  Education  Governance  Livelihoods Villages
 strength to mobilise the tri-sector power of   Estimated Value of Public Investment  Outreach  Villages  Villages  Villages  (farm+skills+enterprises)
 bazaar (market), samaj (community) and   ~INR 16,816.39 lakhs
 sarkar (government) in driving change. In                         Primary Education
 each of the CAL blocks a deep community
 engagement strategy was built through                             Village Organizations (VOs) are actively
 triggering aspiration and personal                                supporting children's education across 1,207
 responsibility processes in women   In all the 36 CAL blocks locality compacts   villages and in 1,083 villages prioritize
 collectives, followed by multi-sectoral VPRP   at the block level have been instituted as   educational development related activities in
 and strengthening community-public system   “block level coordination committees”, in   VPRP. Initiatives like "Shiksha ka Kona", which
 interfaces. This has established CLF-VOs as   which leaders from around 100 CLFs   creates dedicated spaces for children to
 potential anchors to allow multi-dimensional   regularly interact with block officials and   study at in their home, is an example of how
 change in their localities.  work together to realize aspiration-linked   localities take charge of development
 plans (VPRPs) from 3000 villages. In 80%                          processes.
 The foundational anchor of the locality   of the villages, the community demands
 compact is women community institutions   were included in GPDPs for FY 2024-25.   Employability & Entrepreneurship
 and panchayats. Our teams engaged with 120   Elected women representatives (EWRs)   To boost local economies and create job
 CLFs around visioning and strengthening   across CAL blocks are the critical   opportunities, efforts have been made to
 governance processes. In 86 CLFs – with the   connecting nodes, as the majority are from   enhance employability and entrepreneurship
 active participation of leaders from 2,379 VOs   self-help groups (SHGs). 1300 EWRs have   through the VO-CLF network. A total of 93
 (55% of total VOs in CAL blocks) and more   been provided with intensified capacity   CLFs have been engaged and 60 WOW Hubs
 than 2000 trained community resource   building engagements.      have been established through CLFs.
 person (CRP)s.

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