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Overview 2023-24 This positioning entailed organisational practice. A partnership with the Ministry of
restructuring with new designations for
Rural Development under the Bharat Rural
colleagues to align their roles, responsibilities Enterprise Enabler Support (BEES) pilot
and accountabilities. This both clarified program in 10 districts explored the creation of
individual efforts and team engagement a convergence infrastructure. It also helped
towards the attainment of TRI's goal of creating develop a digital spine for connecting
flourishing localities. mobilization, enterprise training, financial
management and progress tracking within the
The state assembly elections in two focus states scope of the NRLM (National Rural Livelihoods
– Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh – as well as Mission) and RSETI (Rural Development and
the announcement of general elections which Self Employment Training Institute). Pathways
imposed the “model code of conduct” impacted to surface and capture the aspiration of
our engagement in two of our Practice verticals: prospective candidates and expand
Public Policy in Action (PPiA) and Community mobilization and last mile delivery through
Action Labs (CAL). Our teams used the tailwinds community led federations (CLFs) were
of urgency to put in place innovative long-range embedded through “phygital” hubs.
ideas and creatively used the space for bringing
synergy, convergent actions and pivots, these are
visible in engagements across Practices, States
and Themes.
TRI’s engagement and impact grew during the
year alongside the creative churn of internal and
external positioning. Responding to demands of
stakeholders, PPiA Nudge Units grew.
We focused on deepening the PPiA Practice,
instituting a measurement framework for internal
and external reporting and evaluations as well as
bringing high rigour and competency building
with the launch of PPiA | Praxis Residency
academic program. Our Community Action Lab
Practice engagement was consolidated across 36
blocks in 31 districts with clear success markers
and milestones, shown by real-time progress
reporting which was also instituted this year.
There has been very good progress on the
foundational scaffold of the “Locality Compact in
each of the blocks and structured engagement
with implementation of the Village Prosperity and
Resilience Plan (VPRP) and the Gram Panchayat
Development Plan (GPDP). In these blocks we
actively integrated engagement of our Bending
This year marks a significant milestone in TRI’s Markets for Flourishing Localities (BMFL) Practice. Scan to watch
young journey with sharper evolved positioning as New partnerships and the mobilisation of
resources supported the expansion of the BMFL
“The Development Design Company” which
emanates from TRI’s visual identity.
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