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ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24                                                                   TRANSFORM RURAL INDIA

 Governance  Local Governance - Model

          Strengthening Institutional mechanism and capacities at National and State levels with active experimentation
          in Community Action Labs (CAL) to provide solutions around strengthening Local Governance

                                     Issues and
            Large number of        Lak of adequate                                   Facilitating developing architecture
            PRIs ~30 lakhs -       capacities of PRIs                                for Training and CB of PRIs at scale
            half of them are       to leverage present             Institutional     Improved perspective of PRI
            women leaders          framework                       Capacities        leadership at all levels
                                                                                     Self-paced learning materials and
            PRIs having            Institutional                                     differential modules for WERs
            Constitutional         mechanisms to
            Mandate                support contextual    A
                                   planning and                                      Process protocols for rolling-out
            Dedicated              tracking                                          comprehensive multisector village
            investments in                               P         Institutional     planning (GPDP-VPRP)
            XV-FC, MGNREGS,        Institutional                   Mechanism         Activating formal mechanism of
            SFC, SBM, OSR          capacities to         P                           tracking-implementation of
                                   support the large                                 approved village plans
            Mandate to look        number of Rural
            after the              Local Bodies          R
            ‘Economic                                                                Process protocols for improved
            Development and        Lack of greater                   Vibrant         citizenship and governance in
            social Justice’        formal oversight by   O          Locality         community
                                   PRIs and SHGs                   Compacts          Working partnership between
            Mandate to Deliver                                                       SHGs, PRIs and Local
            and oversight          Demystification of     A                           Administration
            basic services         PR Acts specifically
                                   for PESA area         C
            Large level            Panchayats and                                    Developing grassroot level
            mobilization of        mutual                          Institutional     leadership specially promoting
            Women SHGs             learning-sharing      H      development and      women leadership
            Present initiatives    No differential               delivery capacity    Organizational capacities of RLBs
                                                                     of RLG
                                                                                     to plan, deliver and oversight
            of Gol and State       approach for
            govt around            women PRIs and                                    Protocols for effective
            multisectoral          those from social                                 convergence with govt programs
            planning and           groups                                            Capacities to generate own
            LSDGs                                                                    sources for self-reliance

          Results and Outcomes
 TRI's approach to governance is developing   mechanisms, and creating responsive public   Localization of SDGs with saturation of Social Security Schemes and improved basic facilities and
 intuitional mechanisms and capacities at National   ecosystems while empowering communities to   services with greater formal oversight from PRIs and SHGs
 and State level with active experimentation in   articulate their aspirations, enhancing the
 Community Action Labs (CAL) to provide   capacity of local institutions, and ensuring   Year 2023-24 was a milestone year in our journey     Management Unit (SPMU) supported on the
 solutions around strengthening Rural Local   accountability in public service delivery. The   of strengthening local governance as we joined   decentralised planning campaign while
 Governments. This includes at one hand   strategy rests on building locality compacts   hands with national, State and local governments   developing range of CB materials for the States
 developing solutions for advancing the   where community institutions (CBOs) collaborate   and provided technical support in order to create   and local governments around this.
 effectiveness of Local Self Governments as   with local governance bodies (PRIs) to address   impacts around localisation of SDGs.   Advancement in training design and facilitation
 vehicles for socio-economic transformation and   public and private goods and services, creating   of respective State training institutes (SIRDs)
 on the other hand developing institutional   an environment conducive to sustainable   Key highlights of our works are as below  with relevant materials to create a cadre of
 mechanisms and capacities to support in   development and equitable growth. Focus for the   Master Trainers to provide CB support to local
 developing grassroot level leadership specifically   year has been institutionalising process protocols   •  Close association with Ministry of Panchayati   ERs – Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Assam
 the women leadership.  The major processes   for vibrant locality compacts and Capacity   Raj, Government of India: Closely associated   have been covered.
 involve encouraging deep community   Building of PRIs-representatives for localization   with Ministry of Panchayati Raj with
 engagement, reinforcing local governance   of SDGs.  establishment of Strategy and Programme

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