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ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24                                                                                                                                                                                  TRANSFORM RURAL INDIA

          Embedding Gender Equity and Equality in                                                                               Developing Institutional Mechanisms for
          TRI’s Framework and Programs                                                                                          Gender Equity
                                                                                                                                TRI has developed institutional mechanisms
                                                                                                                                across SHGs and their federations, establishing
                                                                                                                                Nari Adhikar Kendras and Gender Resource
                                                                                                                                Centres (GRCs) in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
                                                                                                                                and Uttar Pradesh. Managed by Cluster Level
                                                                                                                                Federations (CLFs), GRCs address issues like
                                                                                                                                child marriages, education retention, and
                                                                                                                                gender-based violence. These centres interlink
                                                                                                                                with SHGs, social action committees, and gender
                                                                                                                                forums at various levels. In MP and Chhattisgarh,
                                                                                                                                cadres are trained for convergence with
                                                                                                                                stakeholders such as Panchayats, Women and
                                                                                                                                Child Development, legal services, and police.
                                                                                                                                Legal training is provided with support from
                                                                                                                                organizations like PLD, Majilis, Jansahas and Alli.
                                                                                                                                In Uttar Pradesh, a GRC and gender cadre policy
                                                                                                                                is being rolled out in 851 blocks, with 100 blocks
                                                                                                                                planned for 2024-25. Chhattisgarh has
                                                                                                                                established 19 GRCs and provided demonstration
                                                                                                                                training for CLFs.

                                                                                                                                TRI integrates gender into entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                programming by training NAK and resource hub
                                                                                                                                managers in the Accelerated Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                Development Programme (AEDP). This program
                                                                                                                                focuses on mobilizing women through CLFs,
                                                                                                                                identifying women entrepreneurs, and
                                                                                                                                addressing issues such as mobility, domestic
          TRI endeavours to integrate a gender                 with an emphasis on establishing institutional                   responsibilities, financial linkages, market access,
          transformative approach within its framework,        mechanisms in Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and their                  and family support. AEDP provides hand-holding
          programs, and institutional culture, aiming to       federations. TRI aims to strengthen systems                      support for business plan development and
          improve the quality of life for deprived and         through convergence with governmental and                        continuous virtual learning.
          excluded communities. This approach involves         private stakeholders to address practical and
          embedding gender, inclusion, and diversity into      strategic gender interests and needs.                            This gender-integrated approach has led to an
          program design and implementation, along with                                                                         increase in women entrepreneurs and their
          building the capacity to critically analyse and      Staff across CAL and PPIA have undergone                          sustained growth, with many engaging as elected
          incorporate data on gender.                          capacity building to strengthen their                            representatives and experiencing enhanced
                                                               understanding of gender concepts, frameworks                     incomes and asset creation.
          Gender Transformative Approach in Program            for gender integration, and legal mechanisms
          Design and Institutional Culture                     such as the Prevention of Sexual Harassment
                                                               (POSH). A gender facilitators program has been
          TRI focuses on capacity building for staff on
          gender equality and equity, embedding these          initiated, where selected staff are trained in                           Scan to watch
          concepts into the organizational culture and         gender concepts and integration, who then
          human resource policies. Gender integration          facilitate gender-based learning within their
          spans across themes like livelihoods,                teams.
          entrepreneurship, Panchayati Raj, and health,

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