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ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24                                                                   TRANSFORM RURAL INDIA

 Success Stories

 Bringing Back the Learning Loop

 Reflection on an Education Project in Kurdeg, Jharkhand  Petlavad Initiative on Education (PIE) in Petlavad, Jhabua

 In the tribal-dominated Kurdeg block of   school regularly. Facilitators at these centers   The Transforming Rural India Foundation   Key Components
 Simdega District, Jharkhand, a transformative   developed unique structures and   (TRIF), with support from FIRSTSOURCE,
 education initiative is rekindling hope among   understandings of the learning process,   launched a comprehensive six-month primary   Har Ghar Padhai (Study Corners at Each
 local communities. Payel, a mother of a   creating replicable roadmaps for schools.  education project in Petlavad block, Jhabua   Home): In 31 villages, 801 in-house study
 nine-year-old girl, rejoices as her daughter,   District, Madhya Pradesh, in April 2022. Aimed   corners were established, with 100%
 once hindered by COVID-induced learning   Parents gained a window into the collective   at re-engaging rural children in learning   coverage in 13 villages. These corners
 gaps, now reads independently and engages   learning process through participatory   post-COVID, the project focused on   fostered regular study habits for 368
 in self-learning. For the first time, Payel   programs such as Balsabhas, School   improving attendance, parent-teacher   children, improving study consistency and
 attended a meeting with her child's teachers,   Management Committee (SMC) meetings,   relationships, community involvement, and   reading skills for about 500 children.
 a significant step facilitated by support from a   and parent-teacher meetings. These   teacher motivation.
 community learning center.  initiatives fostered joyful, activity-based   Balsabhas - Community-School
 learning environments in schools. Previously   Reaching 100% of the villages, the program   Collaboration: In collaboration with the
 Kurdeg, located 200 kilometers from Ranchi,   inactive SMCs were revitalized, focusing on   implemented 80% of its planned activities.   community, 46 Balsabhas were organized
 houses Primitive Vulnerable Tribal Groups,   improving school facilities and ensuring   The initiative saturated all five clusters,   in 27 schools, engaging 1,403 boys and girls
 with 73% of its population being tribal. The   quality education.  covering 40 intervention villages with   in poetry, storytelling, songs, bhajans, and
 Transforming Rural India Foundation (TRIF)   educational activities. Key activities included   sports. These activities boosted children's
 selected and trained community champions,   Major Findings  learning camps in 34 villages, 61 learning   interest in school and positively impacted
 known as Change Vectors, from these tribal   centers across 44 villages serving 1,632   enrolment drives.
 backgrounds to engage in educational   Improved Reading Abilities: TRIF's work   children, and 801 study corners in 34 villages
 activities across 37 villages. With a three-day   with 17 primary and upper primary schools   benefiting 896 children. Enrolment drives in   Enrolment Drive: Despite a delay due to
 orientation, these Change Vectors embarked   revealed that 99% of the sampled students   29 villages led to 31 rallies and identified 343   elections, the enrolment drive achieved
 on a mission to improve education, supported   (n=727) improved their reading abilities.  children for enrolment, with 337 subsequently   100% enrolment in 22 villages and
 by a regular monthly program.  enrolled in schools. Additionally, 996 boys   98-98.5% enrolment in the remaining
 Grade-Level Reading: Over 75% of children   and girls were connected to learning centers,   villages.
 TRIF's initiative began with   achieved grade-level reading proficiency.  with 40 centers still operational, catering to
 perspective-building exercises in 37 village   569 children.    Education as a Collective Community
 organizations. Approximately 40 community   Transition and Retention: There was a   Consciousness: Twelve community
 leaders were trained to collect school   100% transition from primary to upper   meetings involving 138 members and 18
 information, leading to a comprehensive   primary schools and 100% retention,   School Management Committees (SMCs)
 survey of local schools. Discussions were   countering the 22% dropout trend at this   discussed educational issues. Active
 held in all villages to address educational   transition stage in Kurdeg.  participation of SMCs in 37 villages marked
 challenges and develop action plans. These                      the beginning of academic sessions in
 efforts culminated in action plans for 36   Academic Performance: Fourth-grade   government schools.
 schools across 31 villages, impacting 964   students showed significant improvement,
 students.  particularly in Hindi and Mathematics, with
 the highest gains in Hindi due to enhanced
 Education became a communal concern, with   language proficiency efforts.  Dipstick Reflection
 local women collectives discussing issues
 like mid-day meals, infrastructure, student                   The initiative successfully reintegrated
 regularity, and self-learning environments at                 children into the learning loop. Preliminary
 home. The establishment of 37 Community   This initiative's notable findings underscore   results showed 70% of children tested scored
 Learning Centers provided spaces for   the importance of community involvement in   well in reading simple words, and over 40%
 children to engage in both indoor and   education, prompting policymakers to make   could read simple poems. These outcomes
 outdoor educational activities. This led to 117   informed decisions to enhance primary   indicate that TRIF's approach is effective and,
 previously dropout children returning to   education in tribal areas.  if sustained, could serve as a model for other
                                                               regions in the country.

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