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Primary Education
processes in 719 villages cover themes including children in 40 villages, later expanding to 6,000
education, with 686 villages reporting special children in regional languages. This platform
Balsabhas for integrating educational issues. adapts to students' pace, aiding in text decoding
and comprehension.
Cohesive and Collaborative Communities: TRI
engaged women's collectives in visioning Off-Classroom Learning Support: TRI established
broader program outreach. With 7,000 VO 1,100 learning centres for 19,000 children and
officials and ECVs capacitated, 600 home study corners. Learning and summer
community-school connections were camps have supported 28,000 children from
strengthened, creating inclusive learning 700 villages.
environments. About 1,000 schools have event
calendars organizing Balsabhas, child cabinets Library Programs and Bal Melas: TRI initiated
and parent meetings, celebrating events like library programs in schools and learning
Teachers' Day and sports festivals. centres, rotating books every 15 days with
community help.
Decentralized Educational Planning:
Collaborating with and gram panchayats, TRI Additional Achievements: TRI facilitated the
enhanced decentralized educational planning in repair or building of boundary walls in 700
1,200 schools. Around 1,600 villages now schools, transformed 170 schools into joyful
understand the roles of SMCs in school learning spaces, reconnected 2,500 dropouts and
development plans. created significant knowledge capital through
blogs, seminars, webinars, and published reports.
Tribal Culture and Context in Learning: TRI TRI has received recognition and support from
incorporated local dialects and customs into various educational authorities and organizations.
education, recruiting local team members to
strengthen community ties. Reading materials
were collected in seven regional languages and
TRI is committed to holistic rural transformation summer camps were implemented. A study by "Khel Se Mel" activities generate TLM in local
of primary education. We envision transforming the Development Intelligence Unit highlighted dialects. Community-created wall paintings and
the educational landscape of rural India by active participation from committee members, picture boards enhanced learning in 700 villages.
fostering a culturally rich learning environment parents and community leaders in 80% of the
focused on 21st-century skills. TRI’s education intervention villages. Quality in Teaching and Learning: TRI improves
program promotes joyful and inclusive learning educational standards through well-trained
opportunities, supported by the Education Sector Strategies and activities for Community’s teachers, modern methods, and active classroom
Council and women’s collectives. We also align Shared Ownership and Governance interactions in 700 schools. About 1,500 teachers
with the SDGs to improve rural primary education Community Ownership and Empowerment: TRI’s and CACs plus BERCs were trained in
through strategic pathways in parent-child strategy, rooted in community ownership, child-centred practices, creating safe, inclusive
bonding, parent-teacher relationships, empowers women and girls in decision-making learning environments.
community-school connections, teacher capacity, roles, ensuring diverse voices are integrated.
and system strengthening.
Establishing mothers' clubs and child cabinets in Learning Groups for Teachers and Students: TRI
schools, TRI has reached over 2,000 villages, established 21 teacher resource centres in
TRI’s interventions have led to significant developing 2,200 Education Change Vectors several blocks, holding regular meetings for
improvements in government entitlements, (ECV). These efforts connect 60,000 parents, teacher capacity building, benefiting around
learning environments and educational School management Committee (SMC) members, 600 teachers.
outcomes. In 96% of intervention schools, timely PRIs, and teachers in capacity-building, ensuring Scan to watch
book distributions, hot mid-day meals, safe broad participation in school development Technology-Aided Learning: TRI tested
learning environments, sports facilities and
planning and gram sabhas. Documented planning android-based learning platforms with 400
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