Page 7 - TRI Annual Report
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Transform Rural India
Annual Report 2022-23
biggest societal chasm in This is the foundation for a approach while daunting is Our engagement with citizen-first programmes. We are grateful to our
India today is the rural-urban quality of life that is healthy, crucial to development government got further We remain deeply committed partners from the civil society, The Regenerative
divide. It is further intensified well-nourished, educated and because India is both poor deepened with ‘Design for to connecting with rural academia, and donors to
by the intersectionality of economically productive. and young. The state capacity Public Leadership’ program communities and engaging validate our efforts. You make Development
economy, gender, caste; this impacts the lives of the poor co-developed and offered with wider society. Through it possible to challenge the
divide is what TRI seeks to What does Regenerative disproportionately. It is jointly with Capacity Building our initiatives, Village Square, dominant narrative on rural Manifesto
address. Our shared quest is Development look like on constitutionally mandated to Commission; Indian Institute Development Intelligence escape as we seek to build
ensuring opportunities for all. the ground? ensure social and economic of Public Administration in Unit, and Public Policy in flourishing villages. India, today, is at a crossroad; an inflection We believe Regenerative Development can
lead to a quality of life experience for
point of growth that coexists with ‘Stranded
It is about building a strong justice. Our engagement with partnership with Harvard Action Fellowship; we India’. Stranded India comprises the bottom everyone - a life that is healthy,
Friends, This year, our focus was on Our purpose, or why we do and resilient gender-just the government is shaped by University's Design Lab. The continue to engage with the 100,000 villages, languishing localities that well-nourished, educated and economically
institutional strengthening - what we do, is to democratise community, with voice, action, our faith in the democratic program offered to senior urban young, policy framers are home to the world’s largest concentration productive. It involves a strong and resilient
Whew! building systems and development. Because India’s and leadership in compact between citizens officials in the Union Ministries and the well-endowed to of multi-dimensional poor. gender-just community with voice, action and
2022-23 was a whirlwind processes, consolidating future and ambitions rest on development governance. It and state. On the other hand, of Agriculture, Labour & share our insights and bring leadership. It means investing in local
year. initiatives, and defining our how well transformation of means investing in local markets are grounds for Employment, Skill issues from and of those on At TRI, we stand committed towards building capacities, local institutions, local businesses
and entrepreneurs to meet their aspirations,
a shared future of progress, and dignity for all.
narrative. As we grow we will opportunities in rural happens. capacities, local institutions, expression of talent, energy, Development and Enterprises the margins. We believe this is We believe the future of development is and spur economic growth. It means building
Your support and retain our start-up energy and local businesses, and innovation or as Joseph and Fisheries included a sprint a critical long-term bet on Dr Sanjiv Phansalkar localised, self-determined and sustainable. It infrastructure and public services to provide
expectations drove us to yearning for challenges. The How of democratised entrepreneurs to meet their Schumpeter puts “creative on design frameworks to building a society with is a future where languishing localities are basic needs. It means nurturing equitable
constantly better ourselves development aspirations and spur destruction”. We expanded explore de-silofication within opportunities for all. transformed into thriving, vibrant localities for partnerships with the private ecosystem of
and deliver results - This report details our hits and Today, most of the accepted economic growth. It means our work in the employability the government with people to live and belong. TRI is on a mission innovation and growth.
expanding opportunities for misses, and our learnings over evidence on impact is through investing in infrastructure and and entrepreneurship space, to democratise development. We envision a future where everyone can live
rural India. the last year. Apart from the arrowed interventions, silver public services that provide specifically targeted at rural We believe that communities have the power in dignity and security, free from poverty and
progress, we would also like to bullets, sectoral programs. At basic needs. It involves youth. to shape their own progress. They have the inequality. And we are committed to creating
share what TRI is planning, a TRI we believe the building partnerships with the ability to overcome structural barriers in their this future where everyone has access to
peek into the pivots for the transformation of ‘languishing private ecosystem for Last year we got an pursuit of dignity and escaping poverty. This opportunities and resources to reach their full
coming year. localities’ into ‘flourishing innovation and growth. opportunity with Union and progress is sustainable only when driven by potential. This is the vision of Thoughtful
the needs and aspirations of the people. This
Tarakki, a path to progress that prioritises the
localities’ can only happen State Ministries of Panchayati is why we are committed working with well-being of people and the places they
We are often asked “What do through Regenerative TRI’s realisation and Raj and Rural Development to communities in every step of the process - belong to.
you do?” A reasonable question Development. Evidence and distillation of working contribute our learning and from identifying priorities to leading the
given the number of things we experiences of organised approach to this not so ‘secret model of synergistic interventions. The spirit of "can-do-ness"
do (sometimes beyond our development efforts of last 76 sauce’ for development gives framework of village guides all our work, stimulating communities
to address and overcome barriers that restrict
starting capacity and years in India and global best us the required confidence. development planning and access to new knowledge or adoption of
competency). We hope this practices inter alia affirm We could not have done this implementation from the evidenced practices.
report sheds some clarity on development needs to be: without your continuing trust “locality development” work
this question and how we 1. Localised (where people in us. in Deepening Democracy and
address the competency. We live) Mission Antyodaya projects.
welcome all feedback on what Recent developments in the These learnings were put
more (or less) you would have 2. Self-determined and political economy provide together as the ‘Advanced
liked for us to do, reflect and self-driven by local many tailwinds to a whole of Programme on Locality Stranded India comprises
learn. leadership and their society approach with the Development’ a joint offering
aspirations (metis and skin interplay of Bazaar, Samaaj with the Development the bottom
While we are learning to define in the game) and Sarkaar, in the many Management Institute for 100,000 villages,
our What, a more pressing 3. Integrated approach of sessions at the India Rural government officials leading languishing localities that
question that needs articulation Samaaj (community), Colloquy 2022 thought Gram Panchayat are home to the world’s
is our Why. If we look beyond Sarkaar (government) and leaders validated this Development in States and largest concentration of
subjective morality, justice, Bazaar (markets). premise. This trifocal Districts. multi-dimensional poor.
inequality; the fact is that the
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