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Transform Rural India
Annual Report 2022-23
receive helpful information and "neo-market systems" with 1. Prototype Development: and Urban-to-Rural (U-R) collectives of producers such
ideas. business growth across Place-Based BMFL Models goods and services segment. as Producer Enterprises (PE),
mini and nano enterprises, Our approach involves a Public procurement Producer Groups (PGs), and
Rural areas have seen a Our nation is at the crossroads of both formal and informal. district-based saturation opportunities have been Farmer Producer Organisations
demographic shift with a having highest demographic strategy that combines created by mapping and (FPO). Additionally, CMRE Youth
young, aspirational, tech-savvy dividend and aspiring for becoming �• BMFL also aims to catalyse existing livelihood and identifying openings. Hubs provide peer spaces for
population with formal 5-trillion economy. Changing the state capacity and crowd-in employment programs and To disintermediate the collective analysis and
education, including girls with lives of the poor – stimulating public investments by policies. It takes fragmented supply chain of solidarity, leading to higher
professional degrees. Climate growth and expanding access – building local market data-driven, targeted action input supplies and motivation, social mobilisation,
change concerns offer means changing the market systems capacity through roads, to address labour supply technology, agri-preneurs can and the development of
opportunities to exploit rural around them. BMFL recognises this communication and gaps, create local demand, build marketable lots. They enterprise leadership.
competitive advantages in the reality and provides a coherent and business infrastructure, or and improve the quantity can form informal and formal
bio-economy and eliminate unified approach improve market asset building for and quality of local
economic barriers through systems especially for flourishing pre-commercial employment.
digitization. localities in Rural India. households. It includes Examples of this approach
design of new programs, are:
The challenge and opportunity Aliva Das including the Bharat � GOYN Bharat
is "engaging masses in Associate Director Enterprise Enabler System,
mass-production". The Youth Employability and to bring synergy in public � Work for Progress (W4P)
opportunity exists at two levels: Enterpreneurship investments to the locality � Rural Industrial Park
level market systems 2. Special Purpose
1. Maximising the potential for infrastructure. Promotional Vehicle
economic enterprises within
the area based on the local • BMFL engages with private For growth-oriented private
economy and using this BMFL interventions include A: Structural Level sectors to seed sector engagement, scale is
stock of enterprises to enter locality-based interventions to entrepreneurial talent crucial. In areas with
the national and larger increase demand and supply, • BMFL aims to increase the ex-situ, and catalyse private unexpressed latent demand,
there needs to be an effort to
economic arena, and designing rules of the game, productivity of the existing sector action through RISE, "create a market," which
and catalysing the provision of workforce and enterprises SSA Million+ Livelihoods,
2. evolving an ecosystem to missing supporting functions and provide affordable, good AgVenture CoUp MEET, requires specialised attention.
encourage enterprises from like capital, information, and quality delivery of basic Prajwala Challenge, Examples of this approach are:
Bending Markets solutions that disrupt the outside the region to logistics. services in health, education, PPAVCD, FEED, and �• National Agriculture and
nutrition, water, and
actively participate in the
for Flourishing system. local economy. The interventions are at three sanitation. We do this by: • Lastly, BMFL aims to curate Food Processing
Organization (NAFPO)
Localities (BMFL) The need for differential levels: structural, meso, and � - Arranging partnerships mechanisms for supporting �• Farmer Producer
growth in languishing BMFL aims to improve the micro levels with public programs nascent ideas or expansion Organizations Development
The BMFL approach is about localities is a prime national demand and supply interlock with market-making of existing business models and Reform Vehicle
helping poor areas become agenda due to growing by mobilising resources and �• Structural level opportunities through size-fit financing Company (FDRVC)
prosperous by developing their opportunity-growth fault lines. talent from both within and interventions are related to � - Creating private sector with Sampark's MNRE and C: Micro Level
markets with the help of private outside the area, in order to systems change partnerships FaME. Investing in "Market Readiness"
businesses. "Languishing While India has become the promote economic growth. The � - Establishing special is the main task, which involves
localities" have limited fastest-growing large practice focuses on developing �• Meso level interventions are purpose vehicles B: Meso Level: building assets, developing
government help, so they rely economy with a fast decline solutions that work at scale, related to constituents of skills, changing mindsets, and
on subpar private markets and in absolute poverty, it remains leveraging TRI's ground the market system and its • BMFL also seeks to The aim is to create identifying business models
community systems. BMFL a highly unequal society with presence in live "Community interaction with other galvanise action and build Locality-Focused Growth with positive impacts on
aims to use market systems to large unemployment. Basic Action Lab" to learn and systems momentum through Clusters that capitalise on market systems.
help these areas grow in a fair safety nets and government demonstrate the prototypes deliberate and persuasive current opportunities while To achieve this, the growth of
way. It focuses on helping poor and private sector and contribute in the design �• Micro level interventions are presentations of analysis, preparing for future ones. Mini local enterprises is critical,
people and using non-market commitments to producing no and development of related to the locality or insights, and pathways. It and Nano Enterprises (MNEs) including partnerships with
interventions. This approach is net carbon emissions provide complementary public system local market or enterprise provides insights on can generate a large number local business communities
based on the belief that difficult chances for people to get interventions. base. opportunities for seeding of rural jobs. engaged in the Rural-to-Rural
issues need interconnected involved in the market and (R-R), Rural-to-Urban (R-U),
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