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ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24                                                                                                                                                                                  TRANSFORM RURAL INDIA

          Our Rating at Crisil: TRI has achieved the             becomes paramount in building a more
          highest possible CRISIL Voluntary Organisation         inclusive society.
          rating of “VO 1A.” This esteemed rating reflects
          our steadfast commitment to transparency,              That is what the colloquy was about – bringing                 TRI in Media
          accountability, and excellence in our                  peer-learning, networking and practical
          endeavours to foster a more equitable society.         do-it-yourself ideas to big-bet development
          This recognition reassures our donors and              quests. The Rural Renaissance colloquy
          stakeholders of our competence and                     brought megatrends and trans-sector                             As our work deepened there has been interest          Heroes Awards. Colleagues were quoted in
          dedication in effecting sustainable change in           pathways to the forefront, melding practitioner                 from media to cover village level work and            national and regional media outlets as well as
          rural India. It not only bolsters our credibility      insights across domains with academic, civil                    also number of colleagues were invited to             international publications.
          but also enhances donor confidence, paving              society, business and public sector expertise.                  share TRI’s views on range of topics
          the way for stronger partnerships and greater                                                                          concerning Rural India.                               Our Director of Farm Prosperity, Ashok
          societal impact.                                       The 2023 colloquy was extra special too as it                                                                         Kumar’s chapter in “Sustainable Soil
                                                                 extended beyond India’s capital with regional                   Some of the significant ones includes; Neeraja         Management: Beyond Food Production”
          India Rural Colloquy 2023 | The Rural                  colloquies in Bhopal, Raipur and Ranchi. In this                Nitin Kudimotri’s oped piece for The Hindu,           published by Cambridge Scholars book has
          Renaissance                                            we heard what the people at the sharp end of                    Javed Siddiqui’s oped for the Times of India.         received critical acclaim.
          For the third year, TRI hosted the India Rural         rural development had to say – from                             Seema Bhaskaran, who leads our, Gender,
          Colloquy, bringing together some of the                practitioners to state officials and local                        Inclusion and Diversity Unit has been featured
          biggest names in development and rural                 sarpanch, many of whom also came to the                         in several articles by the Indian Express, the
          transformation – from those within government          Delhi colloquy to get their views and                           Hindustan Times and was also one of the
          to leaders in businesses and civil society             experiences heard in the capital.                               judges for the 4th Dainik Jagran Healthcare
                                                                 The India Rural Colloquy’s thought leadership
          The India Rural Colloquy 2023 explored the             brought people with a passion for building a
          possibilities of India’s “Rural Renaissance.” As       more equitable society together – to share
          the country’s rural society and economy take           ideas, inspiration and partnerships to build a
          centre stage, addressing rural poverty                 flourishing rural India.

                                                                                                                                                            Many of our senior leaders' thought
                                                                                                                                                            pieces have been captured by the
                                                                                                                                                            mainstream media outlets.

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