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Our New Brand Identity
Internal Organisation Our new brand identity represents our enduring Over the past year, we have developed these
three practices in-house, ensuring a high
commitment to the dignity and development of
our rural communities, while communicating our
been aiming to set conventions for each
influence and seriousness to our stakeholders. standard of impact and effectiveness. We have
practice and ensure continuous professional
The new brand identity is the culmination of development for our practitioners. Our
internal discussions and those with various designations reflect this commitment and
stakeholders. We received feedback, counsel expertise: associate practitioners, practitioners
and guidance. The quinquennial review of TRI led and senior practitioners.
to articulation of TRI Strategy 2025 and now to
the new visual identity of TRI. Our book, TRI’s Annual Staff Event – our TRI-Fluence:
Burgundy Joy, communicates the distillation of Our annual TRI-Fluence is a strategic gathering
TRI. It documents our radiant energy of of TRI employees that aims to reflect on past
productivity and taking charge. It gives achievements and collaboratively shape TRI's
reassurance and evokes our ambition to break future. It fosters collaboration among team
the status quo, while offering compassion and members, celebrates the diversity of skills and
empathy. Burgandy joy is a colour where you find perspectives within the organization and
an incredible amount of understanding. Our logo renews the team's commitment to TRI's
font is inspired by the serrated patterns of mission of addressing multi-dimensional
indigenous designs with the letters T, R, I poverty. TRI-Fluence 2023, held in December,
purposefully crafted to remind us of our feminine served as a platform for exchanging ideas,
side – the compassion of TRI’s work and persona. celebrating milestones and planning for
upcoming challenges and opportunities.
This visual identity captures the foundational
intent of TRI to design and spur action for Learning and Development (L&D) at TRI: In
changing languishing localities into flourishing response to the increasing need expressed by
communities with vitality and equity. Since we staff and leadership, TRI has placed a strong
began in 2016, every day has been full of learning emphasis on capacity building for its team.
and seeking. Like the human body whose cells Over the past eight years, our experiences have
are in a constant state of renewal, we also have provided valuable insights into the challenges
renewed ourselves almost every day. We hope and strengths within our organization, allowing
TRI’s 7th year change of our visual identity will be for a more objective assessment of our needs.
a milestone of our constant quest of bettering
ourselves. The purpose of capacity building at TRI
includes deepening human and institutional
This last year also saw a total revamp of our competencies, acquiring relevant knowledge,
website, which underscores our core attitudes and skills, and nurturing
message and new identity. cross-learning among staff. In doing so we aim
to ensure a uniform understanding of core
Reorganising Into Practices: Our “TRIfocal” knowledge, values and culture across the
approach is a comprehensive framework organization, while also improving motivation
designed to transform rural communities by and support for our staff. These efforts are
integrating community action, public policy and focused on helping the team achieve TRI’s
market mechanisms. This approach emphasizes a goals and objectives, while minimizing the
The quinquennial review of TRI led to articulation collaborative effort, leveraging the strengths of inherent complexities of their work. Our L&D
different stakeholders to create sustainable
efforts builds new entrants, learners and
of TRI Strategy 2025 and now to the new visual development. Our practices are organized into concept leaders of TRI. This year we have
identity of TRI. three areas: Community Action Labs (CAL), Public inducted around 90 professionals with our
Policy in Action (PPiA) and Bending Markets for enhanced L&D efforts.
Flourishing Localities (BMFL).
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