Page 17 - TRIF Annual Report 2021
P. 17
Catalysing Action for Localizing On Ground
Sustainable Development Goals Rapid Prototyping
becomes imperative to improve the quality of
In transforming opportunities for life and to make villages places of equal Community-owned
people in the villages of India, TRIF opportunities by solving for the impediments at Community Led
the grass-root levels.
works intensively with rural
communities, partners with TRIF works closely with the State Governments
governments and civil society in its endeavour for localizing SDGs. TRIF’s
organizations and brings market engagement in the intensive blocks is centred
solutions on the leading edge. around the communities leading the change, Responsive
supported by efficient public service delivery Public
and engaged markets, while engagement on Systems
‘Public Policy in Action’ is pivoted around
Sustainable development goals for 2030 have strengthening Institutional capacities and
vigorously mobilized the universal agenda of policy-dialogue. Each of TRIF’s intervention is
ending poverty in all forms and improving lives focused on achieving the first 7 SDG goals, with
by 2030. Globally, progress has been recorded clearly defined outcomes, such as − raising
in areas such as improving maternal and child household incomes, ensuring that all Engaged
health, increasing participation of women in households have proper drinking water and Market
governance and improving access to electricity. sanitation facilities, ensuring continuity of girl Strategic Levers for
However, for the first time since the adoption of child education till the age of 14, reducing transforming opportunities of
the goals, progress reversed in 2020-21. This school-dropouts to near zero, and empowering life-advancement in Villages
reversal has been attributed to the increased women to influence local self-governance for
poverty rates and unemployment following the community benefit. of our country
outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Partnerships and
The design strategy of TRIF’s interventions Collaborations
Furthermore, the decline in the progress is necessitates reinforcing the potentially
likely underestimated on account of a lag in data synergetic relationships between communities,
on many indicators. government provisioning and markets;
underpinned by effective community
For 2020-2021, India’s average score on SDGs mobilization.
stood at 66, with an all rural-majority of States Processes
falling below this mark virtually on all and Protocols
parameters, ranging from malnutrition rates to The strategy rests on three pillars developed
mortality rates to educational outcomes. The Nothing about US without US
continued exclusion of rural areas in India’s
human development journey has created Can't move on ONE without Moving
perceptible inequality. Without sustained on ALL
improvements on critical SDG parameters, the No ONE Organization or Sector has
rural disadvantaged will continue to battle the Scale-readiness
deeply entrenched socio-economic barriers to all the answers TRIF’s Modes of
opportunities for life-advancement. It therefore Action Public Policy Market Solutions
Engagement Pilots in Action for Poor