Page 6 - web version Annual Report-2022
P. 6

Amidst the pandemic-induced disruptions, we
                                                               embarked on an ambitious and bold action-plan
                                                               TRIF Strategy 2025. This report outlines our
                                                               priorities. It also records the shift in engagement
                                                               and new organizational structure with the
                                                               devolution of responsibilities to state and
                                                               thematic teams emanating from the strategy.
                                                               We have tried to focus on East and Central India
                                                               which shows the highest concentration of poor
                                                               who can be dealt with through multiple
                                                               efficacious solutions and partnerships with local
                                                               government. We have developed and enhanced
                                                               opportunities for inter-generational mobility
                                                               in villages.

             Message                                                   Rural India is ready to transform

                                                               itself. The need and relevance for our
                                                               ‘Bazar-Samaj-Sarkar’ engagement to
             Dear friends, well-wishers, and partners,
                                                               transform India has never been more
             To begin with, a word of gratitude and a big thank   urgent and apt.  At Transform Rural
             you to all of you for standing with us and
             supporting our work in rural India. It’s all      India we commit to this unwavering
             because of you that helped us scale such heights   resolve as India approaches the 75th
             amidst various challenges that exceeded our       Year of its Independence.
             capacities. With the severe onset of the second
             wave of the COVID 19 pandemic affecting our
             communities and posing challenges, we had to
             take a firm stand in our response to the calls for   We are among the leading civil society
             community and humanitarian support.               organisations working on SDG 2030-linked public
                                                               policy in action. We work directly with more than
             Against this challenging backdrop, we opened up   one million people in 2000 villages across five of
             new opportunities and spaces of contribution in   India’s poorest states. Through our formal
             transforming lives in villages, meeting the       engagement with governments at all levels, we
             demands of our stakeholders and the aspirations   reach out indirectly to 10 million people. We are
             of rural communities.                             also among the very few NGOs placed to be
                                                               formally part of all the leading rural,
             Our impressive results and curve of growth in     poverty-facing national program in India  and
             2021-22 are reflections of our dream to           future-oriented program.
             ‘Transform Rural India’ truly demonstrating our
             confidence in the approach, execution             We have leveraged our space in public program
             capabilities, and agility.                        to demonstrate solutions.

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