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ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24                                                                                                                                                                                  TRANSFORM RURAL INDIA


            AAM             Ayushman Arogya Mandir               CBOs            Community-Based                                  DMFT            District Mineral Fund Trust            IAA             India Agri Voltaic Alliance
            ASHA            Accredited Social Health                                                                              DSP             District Strategic Plan                IFRs            Individual Forest Rights
                            Activist                             CFRs            Community Forest Rights
                                                                                                                                  ECV             Education Change Vectors               IMAGOGG         IMAGO Global Grassroots
            ACORN           Agroforestry CRUs for the            CG              Chhattisgarh
                            Organic Restoration of Nature                                                                         EFHs            Enterprise Facilitation                INRM            Integrated Natural Resource
                                                                 CG&C            Career Guidance and                                              Youth Hubs                                             Management
            AEDP            Accelerated Entrepreneurship                         Counselling
                            Development Programme                                                                                 ELP             Equity Leadership Programs             JAM             Jandhan Yojana, Aadhar,
                                                                 CHC             Community Health Centres                                                                                                and Mobile
            AEs             Agriculture Entrepreneurs                                                                             FDRVC           Foundation for Development
                                                                 CLFs            Cluster Level Federations                                        of Rural Value Chains                  JAS             Jan Arogya Samiti
            ANMs            Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
                                                                 CLF-VOs         Cluster Level Federations-                       FLWs            Frontline Workers                      JH              Jharkhand
            APLD            Advanced Program on                                  Village Organisations
                            Locality Development                                                                                  FPOs            Farmer Producer                        JSLPS           Jharkhand State livelihood
                                                                 CMEGP           Chief Minister’s Employment                                      Organizations                                          Promotion Society
            ASHA            Accredited Social Health                             Guarantee Programme
                            Activists                                                                                             GDI             Global Development                     KIIT            Kalinga Institute of Industrial
                                                                 CMTCs           Community Management                                             Incubator                                              Technology
            BEES            Bharat Rural Enterprise                              and Training Centres
                            Enabler Support                                                                                       GIS             Geographic Information                 Kwp             Kilowatt peak
                                                                 CRISIL          Credit Rating Information                                        System
            BH              Bihar                                                Services of India Limited                                                                               LA              Local Administration
                                                                                                                                  GOYN            Global Opportunity Youth
            BHGY            Birsa Harit Gram Yojana              CRPs            Community Resource                                               Network                                L&D             Learning and Development
            BLCC            Block Level Convergence                                                                               GPDP            Gram Panchayat                         LEILA           Low External Intensity
                            Committees                           CSR             Corporate Social Responsibility                                  Development Plan                                       Livelihood Actions

            BMFL            Bending Markets for                  DBT             Direct Benefit Transfer                           GRCs            Gender Resource Centres                LMS             Learning Management
                            Flourishing Localities                                                                                                                                                       System
                                                                 DIU             Development Intelligence Unit                    GBV             Gender Based Violence
            BTC             Bodoland Territorial Council                                                                                                                                 MGNREGA         Mahatma Gandhi National
                                                                 DLCC            District Level Convergence                       HPLC            High-Performance Liquid                                Rural Employment
            BTR             Bodoland Territorial Region                          Committees                                                       Chromatography                                         Guarantee Act

            CAL             Community Action Labs                DLPM            District Livelihood Potential                    HWC             Health & Wellness Centre               MGNREGS         Mahatma Gandhi National
                                                                                 Mapping                                                                                                                 Rural Employment
            CB              Capacity Building                                                                                     HWCs            Health & Wellness Centre                               Guarantee Scheme

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