Global Opportunity Youth Network

What is the Global Opportunity Youth Network?

GOYN is a multi-stakeholder initiative committed to creating place-based systems shifts for youth economic opportunity.

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GOYN brings together young people, public authorities, private sector and nonprofit actors to co-create and implement solutions.


GOYN brings together young people, public authorities, private sector and nonprofit actors to co-create and implement solutions.

System Shifts

GOYN works to create long-term, sustainable change by focusing on the systemic barriers and underlying drivers of youth unemployment.

Opportunity Youth

GOYN aims to create economic mobility for “Opportunity Youth” — young people aged 15-29 who are out of school, unemployed, or working in informal jobs.

A Differentiated Approach Based on Six Core Pillars

Place-based Collaboration

  • Design for scale commensurate with a community’s youth unemployment challenge
  • Partner with OY & community leaders to build collaborative infrastructure guided by a shared vision for impact
  • Coordinate the local employment ecosystem to address structural barriers, including systemic injustice, to youth economic opportunity
  • Customize youth employment strategies to local needs & current and future market demand
  • Advance a “suite of solutions” for youth employment and entrepreneurship, including effective programming as well as policy & advocacy

Movement- building

Reinforce a global narrative that reflects the full value of investing in young people

Engage new partners, advocates and investors to advance greater economic opportunity for OY

Influence shifts in mindsets, practices, and popcies to create lasting systemic change

Learning Network

Disseminate high- quality research, evidence and best practices

Host vibrant communities of practice to promote knowledge-sharing and innovation

Track, evaluate and share lessons learned from systems shifts in GOYN communities

Youth Voice & Leadership

Center the perspective of young people in the creation of solutions

Partner with a global network of OY leaders, to share learning, actions, and innovations

Link young people to resources, support and allies to build youth agency

Diversified Financing

Mobilize diverse and innovative sources of global and local financing to increase investment in support of economic opportunity for OY

Support communities in building compelling business cases for investment in OY

Data & Technology

Build community capacity to adopt data- driven approaches to problem analysis, collaborative decision- making and strategic planning

Support communities in gathering and sharing new data about OY

Accelerate digital platforms that have potential to shift outcomes at mass scale

Snapshot of GOYN

Let us listen from GOYN Youth Advisory Group

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@2023 National Conference Youth Employability & Entrepreneurship India @100. All Rights Reserved.