Generation Unlimited

Generation Unlimited - Yuwaah

In 2018, UNICEF initiated the global Generation Unlimited partnership to meet the urgent needs of expanding education, skill development and employment opportunities for young people across the world. Within the overall Sustainable Development Goals framework, and the new UN Youth Policy 2030, Generation Unlimited provides an agenda that is universal in nature – all countries can and must do more to support the education, skills, and empowerment of youth.

The India chapter of Generation Unlimited – YuWaah – was born in 2019. At the core of YuWaah is the willingness and capacity to meaningfully engage and listen to young people’s needs, ideas and aspirations. By focusing on engagement, learning, skill development and employment of young people, YuWaah aims to support a generation of empowered, young change makers in India. Envisaged as a strategic, long-term initiative, YuWaah will serve as the much-needed bridge between solution providers, private sector, Government of India, academia and civil society organizations to fund and scale-up innovative and effective solutions.


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