Organic Farming: Berkeley compost made from dry and green waste of agriculture is currently being used only for the cultivation of vegetables.
Berkeley Organic Fertilizer: Farmers doing organic farming in India use many types of organic fertilizers. So far, the list of organic fertilizers included only cow dung manure, earthworm compost fertilizer and green fertilizer made from neem, but Berkeley fertilizer, which gives full nutrition to vegetable crops, is also included. It is becoming famous among the farmers.
Let us tell you that this organic manure (Organic Manure) is the product of California University, Berkeley, located in America, which is making a splash among the farmers of Uttar Pradesh. A significant increase in the quality of vegetables has been seen by its use. This is the reason why many NGOs are also now giving training to farmers to make Berkeley Manure. This compost made from dry and green waste of agriculture is currently being used only for vegetable farming.
This is how to make Berkeley Fertilizer (Process of Making Berkeley Fertilizer)
If Berkeley fertilizer is made properly, it gets ready in just 18 days. You can also use the waste of agriculture and kitchen to make it.
- Berkeley Compost is prepared by making a tower of three layers, in which the first layer is of Bio-Degradable Waste.
- Green grass and leaves are used in the second layer along with green waste and dry fodder from the farm.
- Cow dung is applied in the third layer, which increases the fertility of the soil.
- While preparing Berkeley Manure, these three means are alternately put on the ground and a thick layer is applied in a circle and a tower is erected.
- To make this compost, water is sprinkled after applying 5 to 8 organic layers, so that the tower of compost remains stable.
- After making a tower from organic waste, it is covered with a plastic sheet and compost is prepared after 18 days.
- After preparing Berkeley compost, protect this compost from rain and water for 18 days, so that the process of decomposition goes properly.
- This organic fertilizer gets ready in just 18 days. This is the reason that it can be made and sold several times a year according to commercial and personal needs.
Farmers are getting training (Training for making of Berkeley Fertilizer)
Under the Rural Livelihood Mission (Rural Livelihood Mission) run by Uttar Pradesh Government to make Berkeley fertilizer, training of rural women to make Berkeley fertilizer Given, so that these women can become self-reliant.
- This deal proves beneficial for small and marginal farmers as well as animal herders, because by selling it farmers get additional income and personal farming needs are also fulfilled.
- The farmers of India have now started understanding the importance of organic farming. This is the reason why along with farming, farmers are also advised to set up units of organic manure and compost manure to save resources.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on some media reports and information. does not endorse any information. Before implementing any information, consult the concerned expert.