Raipur: The Transform Rural India Foundation organized the India Rural Colloquy with the theme Samaj Sarkar Bazar, focusing on the future of rural India. In collaboration with the Chhattisgarh government and Raipur’s Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, the event brought together representatives from various sectors to discuss the major challenges faced by rural India, particularly poverty and inequality.
The colloquy was structured into different sessions, each centered around specific themes. The first session, ‘Deep Dive into Million Dreams,’ aimed to understand the present aspirations of rural areas. It featured the perspectives of youths, panchayat representatives, and family members from rural parts of the state. The session shed light on the profound changes occurring in rural societies across the country, driven by factors such as climate change, technological advancements, and rising aspirations.
The colloquy was structured into different sessions, each centered around specific themes. The first session, ‘Deep Dive into Million Dreams,’ aimed to understand the present aspirations of rural areas. It featured the perspectives of youths, panchayat representatives, and family members from rural parts of the state. The session shed light on the profound changes occurring in rural societies across the country, driven by factors such as climate change, technological advancements, and rising aspirations.The second session focused on ‘Regenerative Development’ and featured esteemed speakers, including Secretary Prasanna R from the Panchayat and Rural Development department, IAS Rajat Bansal, and MNREGA commissioner IAS Anantika. The speakers highlighted the significance of regenerative and climate-friendly farming practices, soil conservation, carbon footprint reduction, and water harvesting in rural areas.
Moving on to the third session, titled ‘The Complementary Role of Society-Government-Market in Rural Development,’ participants engaged in discussions regarding the convergence, roles, and cooperation among society, government, and the market in achieving milestone rural development.
Source: The Times of India
A grassroots foundation, deeply focused on challenges faced by marginalized communities and in particular of women in the bottom 100,000 villages of India. We bring a deep knowledge and an inventory of working solutions for stranded India and mechanisms for scaling-up those solutions.